Wellbeing is a complex concept, and our understanding of what wellbeing means in the context of the Plaksha community continues to evolve as we try new ideas and evaluate and strengthen current resources and initiatives. Wellbeing includes overall health, emotional wellbeing, ability to have close, meaningful relationships, engagement in meaningful pursuits and an individual’s sense of belonging. This can be shaped by one’s own behaviors, such as sleep, coping skills, social support and points of connection. Along with this it is also influenced by external factors.
The Wellbeing Support System
Wellbeing at Plaksha University follows a two-pronged approach that holds building Preventive Skills to be as important as Corrective Interventions. Key components include:
Dedicated Wellbeing Team: Two full-time psychologists are available on campus every day to address students' concerns and provide professional guidance.
Individual Therapy Sessions: Worries, anxieties, and fears about the future have a tendency to get cozy in our brain. These sessions with students, executives and faculty provide a safe space to discuss challenges, process distressing experiences, and develop healthy coping mechanisms. On average, 6-7 counseling sessions are conducted daily and there is an interesting shift observed in building up skills during these sessions.
Orientation: Starting university, can be exciting, but it can also bring up feelings of stress, anxiety and nervousness. Thus sessions on
Transition and Emotions was shared with the students.
Team Building Scavenger Hunt was a fun way of building team connections and getting to know their peers better.
Wellbeing in the Classroom Initiative: during this the wellbeing team visited the classrooms and shared with students and faculty different ways for nervous system reboot which can help one feel more regulated and engaged in the classroom environment.
Journaling: “Journaling Book Cover” allowed students to reflect on their personal growth by creating two book covers, one representing their state before the semester and another symbolizing their transformation and achievements.
- Mindful Tech Pause
A survey with the student community at Plaksha revealed that students on an average spent 4-6 hours a day on their phones. That’s literally two months of the year of mindless scrolling.
Thus, a 4-week tech pause was introduced to help students consciously reflect on their relationship with technology. This initiative was designed to promote mindfulness, balance and self-awareness by encouraging students to step away from digital distractions and reconnect with themselves and their surroundings. The initiative was divided into four weeks, each focusing on a different aspect of the practice.
Sample screen savers by students as a reminder of the challenge
A D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything and Relax) Time was introduced where the focus was on being present at some points during the day. During DEAR time students were seen playing card games, jenga, reading, journaling, crochet, painting and even going back to childhood games like pen fights.
Some D.E.A.R. time moments in class
Happiness Hunt was an opportunity to explore, document and celebrate moments of happiness where teams of four had to complete as many tasks as possible within in a time limit. Some categories of task included capturing acts of kindness, natural beauty, conducting a happiness interview, creating a happiness recipe and compiling a mood boosting playlist.
At Plaksha, we are working towards normalizing mental health as health. We have established partnerships with external platforms such as YourDost, which provides 24/7 text-based, audio and video counseling sessions, and RoundGlass, offering students access to additional mental health resources and workshops.
Dr Shalini Sharma is Associate Director, Center for Wellness, Plaksha University