Dr. Arvind Raman

Current Position

Senior Associate Dean of the Faculty,

Purdue University

Academic Advisory Board, Plaksha


UC Berkeley (Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering) 

Purdue University (MS Mechanical Engineering) 

IIT Delhi (B.Tech. Mechanical)


Arvind Raman is the Robert V. Adams Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Executive Associate Dean for Faculty and Staff in the College of Engineering at Purdue University. 

He has pioneered the use of cyber-infrastructure in the Atomic Force Microscopy community for research and education through advanced simulation tools and online classes which are used by thousands around the world. Arvind is passionate about the role of engineering in international development and leads the USAID funded LASER center (Long term Services for Research) that delivers practical, evidence-based solutions to address bottleneck global development challenges through a variety of funding and capacity building mechanisms that bring researchers and development practitioners together in a growing 2000+ member global network.  

Research Interests:

Nonlinear dynamics, vibrations, fluid-structure interactions, and applications to:

Atomic force microscopy


Human biomechanics

Roll-to-Roll flexible electronics and nanomanufacturing

Research Areas:

Mechanics and Vibrations



Solid Mechanics


M. J. Cadena, Y. Chen, R. Reifenberger, A. Raman, “Sub-surface AFM imaging using tip generated stress and electric fields”, Applied Physics Letters, 110 (12), 2017.

JR Chagdes, S Rietdyk, JM Haddad, HN Zelaznik, ME Cinelli, L. T. Denomme, K. C. Powers, A. Raman,, “Limit cycle oscillations in standing human posture”, Journal of Biomechanics, 49 (7), 1170, 2016.

A. X. Cartagena-Rivera, W-H. Wang, R. L. Geahlen, and A. Raman, “Fast, multi-frequency, and quantitative nanomechanical mapping of live cells using the atomic force microscope”, Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group), 5, 11692, 2015.

R. C. Tung, A. Fruehling, D. Peroulis, A. Raman, “Multiple Timescales and Modeling of Dynamic Bounce Phenomena in RF MEMS Switches”, IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 23(1), 137, 2014.


Robert V. Adams Named Chair 2013

Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 2012

ASME Gustus Larson Memorial Award 2011

Plenary speaker, NSF-CMMI grantees meeting, Atlanta 2011

Keeley Fellow, Wadham College, University of Oxford, UK 2010

University Faculty Scholar 2008-2012

B. F. S Schaefer Faculty Fellow 2006-2008

College of Engineering Young Researcher Excellence Award 2005

Discovery in Mechanical Engineering Award, Purdue University 2003

NSF Early Career Development (CAREER) Award 2002-2007

Purdue Teaching for Tomorrow Award 2002