BTech in Biological Systems Engineering
Join a unique academic adventure where you'll mix biology with technology in a seamless way. Dive deep into how cells work and explore the latest advancements in biological engineering, including groundbreaking techniques like CRISPR, biosensors, biomaterials, and bioinformatics. Go beyond traditional subjects and look at nature from tiny to big scales. This exciting program prepares you to tackle complex biological problems and come up with new ideas that merge biology, technology, and engineering.

Computational Thinking
This course is the introductory course on computational thinking. The course aims to introduce the elements of programming and the paradigms starting from the most basic to the more advanced like divide and conquer and how these elements and paradigms can be used to build programs for problem solving. The course introduces these concepts through problems in computation that bring out the relevance and the significance of programming. Aside, the course aims to introduce students to important mathematical problems through the lens of computation and thereby inculcate a computational lens for problem solving. Given the proliferation of computation and the continued growth and relevance of computing systems, the course will therefore provide a very critical foundation: the means to “computational thinking”. The course simultaneously teaches ``how to apply the concepts and synthesize programs” using major programming languages such as C.
Engineering Math in Action
This course will cover fundamental aspects of linear algebra and ordinary differential equations from the stand point of basic theoretical knowledge and practical applications. Students will acquire training in foundational concepts. Additionally, they will learn how to use a computer to solve mathematical problems relevant to a broad engineering curriculum. The course is divided into four modules each spanning about four weeks. Each module comprises a conceptual core which is split across four sub-modules called tiers. Each tier will cover several related topics that will be discussed over weekly lectures and laboratory classes. There will be two lectures of forty five minutes each and one laboratory class of one hour and thirty minutes every week. The course will require completion of four topical mini-projects spread across the semester.
Coding Café
This course will cover fundamentals of a development environment to develop programs, testing, debugging, and trouble shooting. Since all programs run in a systems environment, the course will help to understand the behavior of the programs better and become more proficient in coding. It will also introduce students to vi editor, git, github, etc. Scripting languages primarily Bash, and Basic Python will be used to develop code. These scripting languages will enable you to write custom scripts to suit your needs, and also in various assignments to do automation of repetitive tasks and speed up by hundred times or more.
Engines of Life
The course is designed to answer the big question: Facing the Grand Challenges today, what solutions do we need to apply to create a positive future? Or, in the words of Buckminster Fuller: “To make the world work for a hundred per cent of humanity, in the shortest possible time, through spontaneous cooperation, without ecological offence or the disadvantage of anyone.” This course explores the rich source of ideas from a 3.8-billion-year research and development period. That source is the vast array of species of biological organisms that can be seen as embodying technologies equivalent to those invented by us. Humans have achieved remarkable things, but seeing some of the extraordinary adaptations that have evolved in natural organisms gives us a sense of humility about how much we must learn. Our fascination with nature goes way back to our existence. The great asset that nature offers is eons of evolutionary refinement. Nature has a way of using simple rules to create elegant solutions. And the recent advances in biology combined with the massive advantages of expanding scientific knowledge increase the human potential for innovation. The success of this course will lie in motivating the student in their endeavor to proceed further in the fascinating field of biological systems engineering.
The Art of Thinking and Reasoning
What are the assumptions and beliefs that we have not examined in the modern age? How do we become aware of our implicit beliefs? What possibilities open up if we investigate and examine our presuppositions? How can we respond to the Grand Challenges of our time, if we don’t know how to think and reason critically? Most of us go through life believing that what we have been told by some figure of authority or what we have read in a book or heard on TV or the radio is true. Our educational systems do not teach us to rigorously question and enquire into forms of knowledge that are presented to us. And, thus, we go through our education and later on in our careers believing in a set of assumptions that shape our possibilities. These assumptions limit the horizons of our thinking, perceiving, and acting. In this course, you will learn to meticulously develop the skill of thinking, reflecting, and enquiring critically and being able to reason in a scientific, evidence-based manner. The course will focus on sharpening your intellectual abilities so that thinking critically and scientifically becomes a natural way of approaching the world.
Innovation Lab and Grand Challenge Studio
The broad goal of The Innovation Lab and Grand Challenges (ILGC) is to get students to experience the societal challenges that eventually link to global sustainable development goals. The semester one course allows students to experience life by exposing them to surrounding communities. Hence, they empathize with communities and their daily challenges in living conditions. Working collaboratively in teams, they understand the diversity and complexity of such challenges. This semester has a series of comprehensive tutorials to explain the concepts of sustainability, sustainable development goals and the connections between an individual, their community and the country/region they live in. Through field visits, the students learn to make non-participatory observations that are then discussed and presented. The community experience in this course in its first semester equips the students to delve deeper into the challenges in the following semester.
Design and Innovation
Design and Innovation is about creating the future - that which does not exist today. Navigating the unknown requires a different set of skills from analytical problem-solving, and involves building empathy with the user. The design thinking process, a non-linear, iterative process; is a solution-based approach to solving problems. Students learn about empathy and the need for a human-centric approach in our thinking to better tackle ill-defined or even wicked problems. During the course, the students learn to reframe the problem in human-centric ways, create numerous concepts, work collaboratively, and adopt a hands-on approach to prototyping and rapid testing. Students are also taught the basics of engineering drawing, essential materials and processes and prototype making via the maker space. Having undergone this course the students will be empowered to apply the methodology to solve complex problems that occur in industry, our society, and across the world irrespective of their occupation or field of work and be able to make tangible prototypes.
Programming and Data Structures
This is an introductory course to Object-Oriented Programming and Data structures. These two topics play an important role in any programming task that the student will take up later in his/her career. These topics are also very basic and essential for all the four streams at Plaksha.
Building on the Computational Thinking course taught in the first semester, students will be introduced to a deeper examination of the Object Oriented Programming (OOP) paradigm, its differences with other programming paradigms and the trade-offs. The OOP paradigm will be demonstrated through problem solving examples using commonly used data structures. Broadly, the following topics in the course will be emphasized: • Principles of OOP • Classes, objects, methods, and inheritance • Program structure, templates, and exception handling • Stacks, Queues and Lists • Trees, basics of Searching and Sorting • Graphs and applications
Foundations of Physical World
The course is designed to provide a broad foundation of concepts in basic and applied physics. The objective it to expose the students to core fields like classical mechanics, modern physics, quantum mechanics and thermodynamics while presenting the unified themes in a way that the students understand the concepts and can apply them in solving real life challenges. The course would be delivered while relying heavily on demonstrations, laboratory experiments and projects with the vision of project based experiential learning aligned towards generating theoretical as well as experimental skills.
Mathematics of Uncertainty
This course will cover fundamental aspects of probability and statistics from the standpoint of basic theoretical knowledge and practical applications. Students will acquire training in foundational concepts. Additionally, they will learn how to use a computer to solve diverse engineering problems by building and analyzing suitable mathematical models. The course is divided into five modules. Each module comprises a conceptual core which is split across multiple sub-modules (tiers). Each tier will cover several related topics that will be discussed over weekly lectures and laboratory classes.
Nature's Machines
This course offers an exploration of the remarkable machinery shaped by nature, spanning from human organ systems down to the intricate world of cells and genetic material. The course consists of four modules: Human Physiology, Fundamental Biology, Immunology, and The Science and Art of Biomimicry. In the Human Physiology module, learners will gain insight into the functionality of different organ systems and their regulation, essential for maintaining optimal bodily function. Moving on to the Fundamental Biology module, we take a deep dive into the mesmerizing micro and nanomachinery present within cells and biomolecules. In the module on Immunology, we explore the intricate defense mechanisms that safeguard the human body. Finally, in the module on Biomimicry, we engage in captivating discussions about real-world design and engineering solutions, all inspired by natural designs. By the end of the course, the students will have a comprehensive understanding of the different mechanisms by which natural systems operate and will be able to connect these concepts and relate them to real-world applications.
Fundamentals of Microeconomics
The aim of this course is to learn how to think like an economist. It will offer a lens on how individuals and firms take decisions to maximize their utility and profits. It will develop the tools of modern microeconomic theory and discuss their applications. Topics include consumer theory, firms and costs, government policies, efficiency, perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly, externalities, and frontiers of microeconomics. We develop models of how households make consumption decisions and then aggregate those results to the market level. We then turn to the supply side of markets, engaging in a detailed investigation of how firms make production decisions. Next, we combine demand and supply to understand how prices of goods are determined in perfectly and imperfectly competitive markets. The course will give you a closer look at economic notions of efficiency and well-being, and the ever-present trade-off between efficiency and equity. We will also take time to consider uncertainty and risk, game theory, and market failures. In the final part of the course, we turn our attention to macroeconomics, which involves the study of the economy, especially issues related to output, unemployment, productivity, and inflation.
Reimagining Technology and Society
What is the relationship between Technology and Society? Does technology influence society? Or does society influence technology? Or is there some other way – beyond the ideas of ‘influence’ and ‘cause and effect’ - to think about technology and society? But before we can get to a place to think about a different way of imagining the relationship between technology and society we must first ask ourselves the question: What is technology? By technology, do we simply mean an instrument like a cell phone, rocket ship, or electric car? Or is something more involved? Is technology perhaps first and foremost an ‘idea’? Or is technology a particular way of knowing the world around us? In this course, we will rigorously enquire into the different meanings of the idea of technology and its relationship to society from the perspectives of philosophy, history, social anthropology, human evolution and civilizational studies. We will look at examples from the past and present, but more importantly, also start imagining what the relationship between technology and society could be in the future. Above all, we will begin to understand technology from the standpoint of the threefold matrix of thinking, knowing and making.
Electronic System Engineering
The objective of the course is to train the students in the field of basic and applied electronics, which forms the backbone of the modern semiconductor and telecommunication industry. The course covers the fundamental and applied aspects of the subject aligned towards the design and development of novel electronic devices and systems. The course starts with an introduction to the broader field of electronics engineering and its relevance for other industry verticals against the framework of significant inventions and innovations. It will cover the essential aspects of circuit theory and evolves towards encompassing the operation of semiconductor devices which form the backbone of computational and communication systems. A special focus of the course is on how simple devices and circuits get interconnected to form complex units which play a defining role in the operation of sophisticated gadgets. Towards the completion of the course, the students would be able to conceive and prototype new artifacts, systems, and gadgets, while using the foundation of analog and digital electronics.
Intelligent Machines
This course offers a comprehensive introduction to robotics and cyber-physical systems. Students will engage in hands-on lab activities, assignments, projects, and guest lectures covering both research and practical applications. Key topics include sensors and actuators, system modeling, kinematics, dynamics and controls, perception, planning and navigation, IoT systems, communication, and hardware. These components are essential for designing intelligent machines. By the end of the course, students will have gained the skills to design, build, and evaluate simple robotic and IoT systems, preparing them for more complex projects in their future endeavors.
Computational Methods and Optimization
This is a broad course which will introduce students to various topics in Applied Mathematics including (but not limited to): ordinary differential equations, numerical integration, partial differential equations, calculus of variations for finding optimal solutions, and derivation of numerical methods for finding optimal solutions. This course starts with an overview of single variable calculus. It then discusses Taylor series expansion, linear approximations, and how to numerically differentiate a function. The course then touches upon first and second order numerical optimization methods. Post that, it discusses ordinary differential equations covering aspects of their analytical and numerical solutions. The course then discusses multi-variable calculus and linear constraint optimization. Finally, the course will introduce partial differential equations and calculus of variations.
Entangled World: Technology and Anthropocene
What do we mean when we say Entangled Worlds? Entanglement as such implies a state of intertwining, interpenetration, deep connectivity, interlocking and irreducible, fundamental interdependency and interrelationship. Although it would seem obvious that we live in a profoundly interconnected world in which both processes initiated by humans and non-human biological and non-biological entities continuously impact one another, our actions as organic, conscious and sentient beings do not reflect the obvious fact of interconnectedness. Human beings by and large continue to operate as though their actions are isolated events that do not impact the rest of the world including other human beings, plant and animal species. We could claim that the way we think and act is no longer commensurate with the kinds of immense global challenges we are facing. In this course, we will explore and reflect on the question of entanglements from a variety of transdisciplinary perspectives including those of art, music, imagination, biological systems, quantum mechanics, language, mathematics, design, thought, time, space, history, philosophy and technology.
Introduction to Data Science
This course offers an introduction to the area of Data Science, combining scientific methods, visualization, statistics, and computing to extract meaningful insights from data. The course will introduce the students to data in various forms, the strategies used for collecting data, and techniques to visualize the data for exploratory analysis. The students will get hands-on practice to develop intuition for forming hypotheses and testing them using the available data or designing strategies for collecting appropriate data. They will also learn techniques for fitting data for extracting more complex relations between data attributes.
The Philosophy and Foundations of Computing and AI
This course explores philosophical and foundational issues concerning computers, computing, and artificial intelligence. It addresses a range of fundamental questions, including: What is a computer? Could a computer be conscious? How could you test whether a computer is thinking? Are thinking and consciousness the same or different? Is the human brain a computer? Are there limits to what is computable? The course also describes the work of Alan Turing, and his revolutionary ideas and legacy. While a graduate student, Turing invented the fundamental logical principles of the modern computer. He is responsible for the model of computability that underlies modern computer science—the universal Turing machine. The course investigates this important model and the scope and limits of the universal machine. It also includes an introduction to the early years of the computer revolution, covering the secret origins of electronic computers during World War II and the earliest work on artificial intelligence.
Calculus in Higher Dimensions
The course will introduce fundamental aspects of complex analysis, fourier series and vector calculus, with applications to science and engineering.
Ethics of Technological Innovation
We live in a time of tremendous technological progress. Simultaneously we also live in a time of unprecedented uncertainty. The advent of technology since the turn of the century has led to many advancements in the way that humans live and operate. Each new technological advancement seems to bring with it unforeseen consequences. Although it would seem obvious that we live in a profoundly interconnected world in which both processes initiated by humans and non-human biological and non-biological entities continuously impact one another, our actions as organic, conscious and sentient beings do not reflect the obvious fact of interconnectedness. Human beings by and large continue to operate as though their thoughts and actions are isolated events that do not impact the rest of the world including other human beings, plant and animal species. Environmental degradation, climate change, species extinction, economic inequality, various forms of injustice, war and so on seem to point toward a fundamental flaw in the way we think and act. In fact, the way we think and act is no longer commensurate with the kinds of immense global challenges we are facing in the so-called ‘Anthropocene’.
Material Science for Bioengineering
The course will expose students to key concepts and fundamentals needed for material selection in the context of biomedical, sensing and green energy applications.
Students will learn the basics of atomic structure and bonding, packing in materials, mechanical properties and testing, defects and dislocations, failure and cracks, phase rules and phase diagram, corrosion, metal and alloys for surgical implants and vascular stents; composites, ceramics and polymers for biomedical applications. Further, the course discusses on crystalline structure, shape and energetics of molecules and solid materials, orbital theories that shape their electronic structure and energy bands, crystalline and non-crystalline phases that materials grow into, nanostructured materials, their size dependent properties and some of the basic measurement techniques to characterize them. Concepts on optical absorption and emission in nanomaterials, chemistry in aqueous media, heterogenous catalysis and artificial photosynthesis (H2 generation), all useful for the technologies mentioned above are also looked into.
During the course students will be encouraged to read through relevant scientific journal articles, and present a short seminar on any one application of materials within the purview of the syllabus.
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
The course explores a broad spectrum of topics, ranging from comprehending biological databases and sequence analysis to phylogenetics, comparative genome analysis, gene expression regulation, biological pathways, structural biology, drug design, and computational neuroscience. Advanced bioinformatics areas will also be introduced, including RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, microarray, SNP/SSR, and NGS data analysis.
Bioprocess Engineering
The course on bioprocess engineering will provide you an overview of concepts involved in the design and engineering of such biological processes. To start with you will be learning fundamentals which are common to most bioprocesses. You will learn about enzymes – their mechanism and kinetics, cellular growth and metabolism – with a focus on microbial growth and product formation, basic principles of bioreactor design, and recovery and purification of products. You will focus on specific applications that will draw upon the fundamental concepts. Some of the examples will involve producing fermented products for food industry, wastewater treatment using immobilized microbial cultures, producing nutraceuticals from microalgae using photobioreactors. In all these cases, emphasis will be put on the design and operation of bioreactors to facilitate optimal performance and product separation and recovery.
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
This course presents an introduction to biochemistry and molecular biology, building the foundation for other BSE program courses. Students learn structural attributes, functions, and metabolic processes for proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates. Enzymes, vitamins, and hormones are introduced, with a focus on their biological roles. Real-world applications are demonstrated for diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and inborn errors of metabolism, offering insights into associated challenges. In the second half, the course extends into molecular biology's historical evolution, the central dogma, nucleic acid structures, and their functions as information carriers. Topics span replication, transcription, translation, gene expression, regulation, and molecular biology techniques for nucleic acids and proteins. Practical applications in diagnostics, agri-food industries, and developmental biology are explored through model organisms and systems. Learners also go through a simultaneous laboratory course that trains them on basic laboratory techniques like glucose estimation, protein and lipid estimation and purification, nucleic acid extraction and purification, quality and quantitative assessment of nucleic acid samples, PCR, qPCR, gel electrophoresis, restriction enzyme digestion, and DNA sequencing.
Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition
Dive into the dynamic world of Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition. Here, you will explore essential principles, analysis techniques, and algorithms crucial for recognizing patterns in a variety of real-world data types, including audio, visual, text, and financial information. This course highlights the transformative impact of AI across multiple domains, with practical applications demonstrated through online search, voice recognition, facial identification, and medical diagnosis. As Machine Learning continues to evolve as a field with broad applications across disciplines, this interdisciplinary course provides students with a comprehensive foundation in the subject.
Innovation Lab and Grand Challenge Studio
This course introduces the Grand Challenges at the interface of societal needs and technological capabilities. It will offer the opportunity for students to develop an interdisciplinary appreciation for engineering from a technical perspective as well as from a global and historical perspective. The primary focus of the IL/GC course is embarking on a multi-year project this semester. ILGC will help with connecting students with mentors of their choice. Since projects may be at different phases of the design process, specific activities throughout the term will assist in project progress and ensure project continuity. Projects could be taken up either in faculty exploratory research areas related to grand challenges, or service learning-based projects, or students’ own idea within Grand Challenges framework; or could even be tackling industry partner-led problems.
Stochastic Modeling in Biology
This course introduces mathematical modeling in biology, with a strong focus on statistical analysis. Throughout the course, students explore diverse applications of stochastic modeling, from cellular processes to population dynamics. By gaining hands-on experience and working with real-world data, students develop analytical skills and a deeper appreciation for the intricacies of biological systems. This course equips students to navigate the complexities of biological data, make informed interpretations, and contribute to ground-breaking research, bridging the gap between theory and practice in the fascinating world of biology.
Cell Biology
Basic understanding of cell biology is essential for any individual who wishes to pursue a career in life sciences or any other associated field. This course explores fundamental cellular processes such as cell cycle, cell division, cell signaling, replication, recombination, repair, cell death and ageing which is critical to comprehend the differences between various physiological and disease states. Rationalizing these cellular processes from a molecular perspective is pivotal in grasping the entirety of a cell and the associated complexities in maintaining a homeostatic environment that supports life. A significant part of the course also includes a ‘Journal Club’ type presentations, where some of the most groundbreaking cell biology discoveries will be discussed. It will not only inculcate the habit of reading research papers but will also create an environment where students will be involved in a scholarly discussion. In parallel, the cell biology course also has a weekly lab component and was designed to provide hands-on experience with molecular cloning (preparation of competent cells, transformation, plasmid purification), mutagenesis, protein induction and protein purification followed by in vitro analysis by setting up biochemical assays. Exposure to such core research methodologies will be expected to augment their practical and analytical skills.
Sensing and Actuation
As a fundamental building block, all industrial automation, including robotics, CPS, and biomedical instrumentation requires monitoring by comprising several sensors embedded in situ or in a remote environment. This course will equip students with fundamental knowledge and skills on sensors, actuators, associated materials & processes, and generic electronic conditioning circuits and systems.
It includes an introduction to operating principles, materials, and characterization of various sensing technologies and their selection based on functional characteristics and performance criteria. Students will learn about typical analogue and digital processing approaches, simulation techniques, display and analyses, etc. while physically implementing it in some representative applications as a PBL component.
Emerging Trends
In the rapidly evolving field of Biological Systems Engineering, staying up-to-date with the latest advancements is crucial. This dynamic, 1-credit seminar and journal club course offers students a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the cutting-edge trends shaping the future of the BSE discipline. Through a series of engaging presentations, research discussions, and seminars led by esteemed academicians and industry specialists, students will gain invaluable insights into the latest innovations and methodologies. Participants will learn to critically read and analyze scientific papers, deliver compelling academic presentations, and engage in thought-provoking discussions on emerging topics. This course aims to cultivate a deep understanding of current and future trends in Biological Systems Engineering, preparing students to contribute to and lead in this ever-evolving field.
Deep Learning
Deep Learning has made impressive advances in various domains. The backbone of these advances has been the learning of representations enabled through big data. In this course, one would get a conceptual and practical introduction to the elements of deep learning. Module 1 will discuss the building blocks: different types of neural networks (conv, recurrent, graph), and how to learn effective embeddings through state-of-the-art architectures like attention modules, transformers, memory networks, GPT, etc. We will also discuss perception and generation in text as well as images. Module 2 will be reinforcing these blocks through applications in NLP – summarization, sentiment analysis, translation and applications in computer vision - object detection, segmentation, monocular depth estimation, stable diffusion, GANs, etc. Module 3 covers different optimization algorithms and settings – SGD, Adam, Minimax games and provides insights into methods for learning i) from large data but no labels and ii) small data but with labels, i.e., self-supervised learning and energy-based models.
Advanced Statistics
This course covers fundamental concepts in statistical theory and methodology. Topics include -
a. Principles of inference (including Bayesian inference), maximum-likelihood estimation, likelihood ratio tests, goodness-of-fit tests, bootstrap and computer-intensive methods, and least squares.
b. Generalized linear and nonlinear models, including models for count and categorical responses; generalized additive models.
c. Fixed, random and mixed-effects ANOVA models.
d. Models for Dependent Data including time series data.
If time permits, we will cover topics in Multivariate Analysis and Statistical Learning.
Engineering One Planet
Human activities, over a period have profoundly altered the balance of planetary health which in turn is directly linked to human health. In recent times, there is a global recognition that a balance is needed among global systems of land, air, water and biodiversity to sustain and preserve life. This has been the genesis of studying the interdependencies of human and planetary health. This course will introduce the concept of planetary health, what are the current impacts due to human activities and the solutions to mitigate the risks at local and global levels. The solutions that will help populations with sustainable ways of living will be discussed and exemplified.
Genetics and Genetic Engineering
All the human conditions have a genetic underpinning while some conditions show complete genetic determination, others arise from a complex gene-environment-time interaction. This course is designed with two areas of focus, genetics and genetic engineering. The first part — genetics — will introduce the students to the principles of genetics, organization of the human genome, patterns of genetic inheritance, genetic bases of human medical conditions and genetic treatments. The students will learn about molecular mechanisms that enable gene-environment interaction; genetic bases of single gene and complex genetic disorders; risk calculations and emerging genetic treatments like gene therapy, CAR-T cell therapy, etc. The second part of the course — genetic engineering — will familiarize the students with research technologies used to engineer genomes, for example, DNA modification, cloning methods, DNA editing, transgenesis, etc. The students will also practice DNA isolation, DNA modification, whole genome library preparation, gene editing using CRISPR Cas system.
Networks and Systems Biology
The course delves into the intricate study of biological systems and their interconnectedness. Students explore how molecular components within living organisms interact to form complex networks, allowing a comprehensive understanding of biological processes. The course covers various computational and analytical tools used to model and analyze these intricate systems. Topics include signaling pathways, gene regulatory networks, and the integration of omics data. Through practical applications, students gain insights into the dynamics of cellular processes and the emergent properties of biological systems. This course equips participants with the skills to unravel the complexities of living organisms at the molecular and systems levels.
Nucleic Acids and Protein Biosensors
This course is designed to equip learners with the essential skills required to develop biosensors that detect specific nucleic acid sequences and/or proteins. Students will learn fundamental concepts of biosensor design and development including topics on sample processing, biorecognition elements, biorecognition events, signal generation and amplification, and transduction. A significant focus will be on developing point-of-care diagnostics facilitated by discussions on the latest research in the domain. A non-exhaustive list of techniques discussed in this course includes mechanical and chemical methods for biomarker extraction, nucleic acid amplification techniques, nucleic acid/protein-based lateral flow devices, ELISA, sandwich ELISA, CRISPR-based assays, and optical and electrochemical sensing. The course incorporates project-based learning throughout the semester with specific milestones designed in sync with the topics being covered in the lecture sessions.
Neuroscience is an interdisciplinary field with an overlap of diverse subjects like physics, mathematics, computer science, information theory, signal processing, physiology, psychology, and ethology. It also inspires the field of artificial intelligence, and more specifically, artificial neural networks and reinforcement learning. This course will introduce students to the fundamental mechanisms of neuronal communication and information processing in the brain. It will also cover topics in neuroethology to bring awareness of biological intelligence that has evolved across the animal kingdom in diverse forms.
Quantum Computing
The course will introduce students to the world of quantum computing. We will cover the nuts and bolts of qubits, entanglement, and quantum algorithms along with the necessary physics and mathematics background, including linear algebra, probability, complex numbers, and partial differential equations. Through projects, students will have the opportunity to explore the potential advantages of quantum computing in areas such as finance, medicine, logistics and machine learning. Through the lab part of the course, students will gain hands-on experience using quantum SDKs and implementing quantum algorithms, enhancing their practical understanding of the subject matter.
Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Polymers
This course provides the basics for understanding biomedical and pharmaceutical polymers, as well as polymers used in our daily life, and the foundation for the in-depth study of a variety of polymers. By the end of this course, students will be able to (i) understand the basics of polymer chemistry, polymer history, polymer properties, and applications; (ii) improve their ability to collect and use new information related to polymers; and (iii) enhance their ability to present their knowledge and opinions.
Health Economics
The primary objective of this course is to develop an understanding of the economics of health and contemporary issues in public health delivery in developing countries with a special focus on India. The course builds upon a trio of economic theory, empirical readings, and hands-on experience working with nationally representative health data. The course will involve a discussion on the demand and supply of health and health care, information asymmetry in health insurance markets, models of healthcare delivery, global health inequities, and challenges in public health delivery.
Machine Learning in Dynamic Environments
Have you considered how Netflix recommends movies to you? Or how you are recommended items to buy on Amazon? Recommender systems are systems that recommend restaurants, movies, or content to watch, etc., by learning a user's preferences. When a new user signs up, the system has no prior knowledge of the user and must improve its recommendations on-the-fly by observing the user's behavior. Such a paradigm of machine learning where the system must learn "on-the-go" is broadly termed as online learning. Online learning is a major paradigm of machine learning and has a wide array of applications in the real world like the recommender system. The goal of online learning is to make a sequence of accurate predictions based on given knowledge of the correct answer to previous prediction tasks and possibly additional available information. The effectiveness of the prediction, for instance in recommendations, is critical to long term engagement of the users and the success of the platforms. It is particularly relevant where the users themselves can be dynamic and the standard machine learning approach of batch updating can be expensive in terms of performance and scaling. This course will introduce the algorithmic techniques through various practically relevant problems such as classification, portfolio management, recommender systems, etc. The course will then discuss some of the basic algorithmic techniques to solve these problems. The course is an introductory level course that is aimed at exposing the students to the basics of online learning.
Diagnostic Technologies
To couple engineering techniques relevant to devices & systems and material characterization techniques with medical diagnostics demands.
To address the fundamentals of human body systems in relation to the physical principles and design of typical bio-mechatronic diagnostic techniques. To appraise and understand the physical and operating principals of various imaging devices and modalities used in medical and industrial applications - as representative case studies, System models, ISO standards, classification of medical diagnostic devices in terms of safety and regulatory regimes worldwide, including relation to the development and deployment (entrepreneurial aspects) of new (without predicates) devices.
Human-Tech Interaction
Immerse yourself in the fascinating study of Human-Tech Interaction, a course designed to delve into the complex interactions between humans and technology through a multi-modal sensory approach. This approach harnesses technologies such as bio-sensors, computer vision, and electro-mechanical sensors to monitor and model human physiological and behavioral responses. Aligned with industry needs, the course also focuses on strategies to enhance safety, productivity, and creativity across various environments—from industrial settings to office spaces. This is essential for designing technology that improves user experience and effectiveness in different work contexts. Machine Learning Principles and Practices (MLPR) is a prerequisite.
What can you create?
Experiential Learning
Integrated learning experience across 4 years. You will work on authentic, real world projects through industry and community engagement or by research with faculty.
- Coding Cafe and Makerspaces
- Entrepreneurship
- Student led clubs

By having access to state-of-the-art makerspaces and coding cafes and incorporating them in the curriculum, students will become more context-aware, develop critical thinking abilities, and learn by creating. This will help foster a tinkering and problem solving mindset, immersing students in experiential learning from day one. These areas will be open to students to explore, create, prototype and design, while also housing equipment and technologies like 3D printers, sensors, etc.

The core curriculum will not just be limited to engineering and sciences, but bring in exposure to entrepreneurship and design which will enable humane and empathetic outcomes through technology. Each student will undertake multiple different experiences to develop skills like finding opportunities, creating value, and embracing risks. Students will be mentored and supported by Plaksha founders and professionals from industry.

At Plaksha, learning and skill development do not stop in the classroom. Students will have the opportunity to create and immerse themselves in pursuing their academic and creative interests. Student led clubs will be autonomous bodies that operate under the purview of the Office of Student Life. Being the founding batch, students will be encouraged to help establish a vibrant culture through clubs and societies on campus.
Hear about the course from the experts
Watch Ursheet Parikh, Co-lead of the Engineering Biology Investment Practice at Mayfield Ventures talk about this major. He has been closely involved in the design of this degree
Combat diseases and pandemics
You can help combat various diseases, epidemics and pandemics affecting humanity by modeling and analyzing large quantities of biomedical and biological data, developing forecasting and epidemiological models, applying AI to assist medical professionals for quicker drug and vaccine discovery and more.