Dr. Dhiraj Sinha

Dr. Dhiraj Sinha

Assistant Professor, Plaksha University

Area of Expertise:

MEMS Sensors Technology

About Dr. Dhiraj Sinha

Dr. Dhiraj Sinha is an Assistant Professor at Plaksha University.  He studied electrical engineering at the Institute of Engineering and Technology, University of Lucknow, India and Telecommunications at ENST de Bretagne, Brest, France. He later earned a PhD in Electrical Engineering from University of Cambridge, UK. During the latter part of his stay at Cambridge and as the CTO of Smantenna Ltd, a thin film based antenna startup, he worked on research and commercialization of thin film based antennas. This was followed by a brief stint at Oscion, a technology consulting firm, following which he joined the Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore as a Research Fellow.


Dr. Sinha's research interests are converged towards radiating structures with low degrees of freedom. He has explored ultra-small antenna design and sensing, besides investigating thermodynamics and electromagnetic field effects in microscopic systems with low dimensions.


Journal Papers:
1. Dhiraj Sinha, Roland Bouffanais “Entropy Changes in Crystalline Material Under Phase Transition and Symmetry
Breaking,” Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 588, 126525, 2022 [Impact factor 3.778].
2. Dhiraj Sinha, “Acoustic Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Hydrogen Nuclei in Fluid,” Physica A: Statistical
Mechanics and its Applications, 569, 125716 (2021) [Impact factor 3.778].
3. Dhiraj Sinha, “Generation of Acoustic-Brownian Noise in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Under Non-Equilibrium
Thermal Fluctuations” Scientific Reports, 10, 1-12 (2020) [Impact factor 4.996].
4. Dhiraj Sinha, “Phase Space Trajectories Generated Under Coupling Between a Dynamic System and a Thermal
Reservoir” Journal of Physics Communications, 3, 125003 (2019) (Citescore 2.6).
5. Dhiraj Sinha, “Loss of Invisibility in Metamaterials under Thermal Fluctuation Induced Radiation,” Annalen der
Physik, 531, 4, 1970019 (2019) (Impact factor 3.012) [Featured on the cover page of Journal].
6. Dhiraj Sinha, Gehan Amaratunga, “The Noether Current in Maxwell’s Equations and Radiation under Symmetry
Breaking,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 376, 20170452 (2018) (Invited paper Celebrating
125 years of Oliver Heaviside’s ‘Electromagnetic Theory’: Physical Sciences Papers and Historical Perspectives)
[Impact Factor: 4.019].
7. Dhiraj Sinha, Omkar, “Falling Object Detection in Railway Track through Rayleigh Wave Sensing Using Laser
Vibrometer,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 67, 9158 (2018) [Impact Factor: 6.239].
8. Dhiraj Sinha, “Spectral Symmetry Breaking of Electro-Acoustic Noise in Ferroelectric Materials,” Journal of
Applied Physics, 124, 4, 044103 (2018) [Impact Factor: 2.877].
9. Dhiraj Sinha, Roland Bouffanais, and Shao Ying Huang, “Nonequilibrium Dielectric Noise in Solids in the
Presence of Modulation of Electrical Permittivity and Spectral Symmetry Breaking Under Feedback,” New Journal
of Physics, 19, 11, 113050 (2017) [Impact Factor: 3.874].
10. Dhiraj Sinha, “Wireless Actuation of Piezoelectric Coupled Micromembrane Using Radio Frequency Magnetic
Field for Biomedical Applications,” Journal of Applied Physics, 121, 134501 (2017) [Impact Factor: 2.877]
[Featured on the cover page of Journal].
11. Dhiraj Sinha, Shao Ying Huang, “Selective polarization of Dielectric Materials Under Electromagnetic Scattering
at radio Frequency,” Journal of Applied Physics, 120, 074101 (2016) [Impact Factor: 2.877].
12. Dhiraj Sinha, Farhan Feroz, “Obstacle Detection on Railway Tracks Using Vibration Sensors and Signal Filtering
Using Bayesian Analysis,” IEEE Sensors Journal, 16, 642, (2016) [Impact Factor: 4.325].
13. Dhiraj Sinha, Gehan Amaratunga, “Electromagnetic Radiation Under Explicit Symmetry Breaking,” Physical
Review Letters, 114, 147701 (2015) [Impact Factor: 9.185][Covered by more than 100 news portals including
IEEE Spectrum and Nikkei Electronics, the biggest media house for electronics in Japan].
14. Dhiraj Sinha, Gehan Amaratunga, “Reply to Comments on Electromagnetic Radiation Under Explicit Symmetry
Breaking,” Physical Review Letters, 114, 147701 (2015).
15. Dhiraj Sinha, “Entropy Changes in a Thermodynamic System Under Potential Gradients,” Physica A: Statistical
Mechanics and its Applications, 416, 676 (2014) [Impact Factor: 3.778].
16. Dhiraj Sinha, Simone Pisana and Andrew J. Flewitt, “Radio Frequency Magnetic Field Detection Using
Piezoelectric Coupled Microcantilevers,” Smart Materials & Structures, 20, 025016 (2011) [Impact Factor: 4.131].
(The first author is also the corresponding author in all the papers)

1. Dhiraj Sinha, ST Surendran “Signal Enhancement Under Explicit Field Perturbation in Magnetic Resonance
Spectroscopy,” Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med 26, 4021 (2018).
2. Dhiraj Sinha, Shao Ying Huang, “Miniaturized MRI System for Diagnosis of Samples of Low Physical Dimensions
using Piezoelectric Receiver and Transmitter,” International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Annual
Meeting (2016).
3. Dhiraj Sinha, Shao Ying Huang, “Antenna Miniaturisation using Piezoelectric Material Based Thin Film Antenna
for Body-centric Wireless Communication,” IEEE International Symposium on Radio-Frequency Integration
Technology, Taipei (2016).
4. Dhiraj Sinha, “Electromagnetic Field Oscillations in Nucleic Acid Strand,” Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science,
OSA (2007).

○ Dhiraj Sinha, Gehan Amaratunga, “Explicit Symmetry Breaking in Electrodynamic Systems and Electromagnetic
Radiation,” Morgan Claypool, Institute of Physics UK Publishing, 2016.

Research Interests
  • Microelectromechanical systems (micromachines, sensors and actuators)
  • Ultra-small antenna design for cellular technologies
  • Thermodynamics and electromagnetic field effects in microscopic systems with low dimensions
Past Associations
  • Postdoctoral Research Associate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Research Fellow, Singapore University of Technology and Design
  • CTO of Smantenna Ltd
  • PhD in Electrical Engineering, University of Cambridge, UK