Sunita Chauhan

Sunita Chauhan

Founding Director, Center for Equitable and Personalized Healthcare

Professor, Plaksha University

PhD from Imperial College London, UK

Area of Expertise:

Medical and Surgical Robotics Robotics and Automated Systems

About Sunita Chauhan

Dr. Sunita Chauhan has recently joined as Professor and Founding Director - Center for Equitable & Personalized Health at Plaksha University. She serves on the boards of directors and advisory of several organizations/institutions globally. 

Her work caught international media attention several times and was published in leading newspapers and scientific magazines. Dr. Chauhan has supervised national and internationally-funded research projects and is a sole/principal inventor of several patents granted/pending related to her research. She delivered more than 70 invited talks and participated in various short courses/workshops conducted by local as well as overseas organizations. She is a reviewer of multiple international journals and conferences, and participates actively in their program and organizing committees as specialized session-chair, track-chair, publicity-chair etc. 


Dr. Chauhan's current research interests include: Medical/Surgical Robotics (comprising state of the art surgical assistance technologies such as Computer Assisted and Integrated Surgery (CAS/CIS) systems including safety driven design, development (using both subtractive and additive manufacturing) and intelligent control of novel medical/surgical robotic systems for minimally invasive and non-invasive surgery, Robotic exoskeletons, Intern-replacement, system safety etc.; Surgical training and automated assessment using AI based deep-learning methodologies; Intelligent Diagnostics and Robotics in Infrastructural Healthcare for inspection and proactive maintenance (Railways, Aerospace, Defence, Agriculture, Buildings, Solar farms etc); Sports Eng.- high performance swimming, cycling, archery etc.


Dr. Chauhan has been conferred various awards and accolades internationally, notably - IEEE Asia Pacific Most Inspiring Engineer of the Year Award -by IEEE R10 (Asia and Pacific region) for contribution towards advancing technology for humanity through her work on Surgical Robotic Systems for Management of Breast Cancers; ROAR & OASIS fellowship with professional attachments in Europe; the Public-sector Innovation award (TEC -The Entrepreneur Challenge), Prime minister office, SG along with her enterprising students, 2006; Hind Rattan Award (Jewel of India), by NRI Soc., c/o Govt. of India, nominated for Sword of Honor (Pravasi Bhartiya Divas) and Mahatama Gandhi Samman (organized at the House of Commons London), Commonwealth scholarship/Fellowship award to pursue PhD in Robotics & AI by British Council.

Research Interests
  • Medical/Surgical Robotics, Biomechatronics

  • Robotics, Mechatronics and AI - in Structural Healthcare, Agriculture, Smart Buildings, Sports Engineering etc.

  • Ultrasound - Imaging & Diagnostics (Medical/Industrial), Therapeutics and Surgical Ultrasound

  • Flexible and Soft Robotics - configuration system development for applications in Industrial and Healthcare systems

  • Intelligent/Smart Systems - Sensing, Monitoring, Manufacturing
Past Associations
  • Director, Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering, Monash University, Australia

  • Professor, Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Monash University, Australia

  • Assoc. Professor (Mechatronics & Design); Asst. Prof. (Systems & Eng. Management), School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, NTU, Singapore

  • Academic, Visiting Fellowships/Roles, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, Klinikum Mannheim, Karl Ruprecht Uni. of Heidelberg, Germany, King's College, London, NTU, Singapore

  • Director R&D, Robotics and High Tech Instruments (P) Ltd. Delhi.

  • SRA (CSIR), IIT Delhi, Scientist Fellow, CSIO, RA, National Physical Laboratory, Various other Research and visiting positions, India
  • PhD and DIC (Medical Robotics) from Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, United Kingdom