Mayank Ratan Bhardwaj

Mayank Ratan Bhardwaj

Assistant Professor, Plaksha University


Area of Expertise:

Game Theory AI for Social Good Mechanism Design

About Mayank Ratan Bhardwaj

Dr. Mayank Ratan Bhardwaj obtained his PhD from the department of Computer Science and Automation at the Indian Institute of Science and MTech from IIT-Kanpur. The focus of his Doctoral Dissertation was on improving Agricultural Planning and Operations using Artificial Intelligence and Game Theory.

He has experience of working under different verticals in the industry, performing diverse tasks such as building firmware, video conferencing tools, EDA tools, and search engines and business development.

Research Interests
  • Applied Game Theory
  • Mechanism Design
  • Graph Theory
  • Data Analytics
  • Computational Social Choice
Past Associations
  • Indian Institute of Science
  • Mentor Graphics
  • Microsoft
  • Polycom
  • Marvell
  • IIT Kanpur
  • PhD from Department of Computer Science and Automation at IISc

  • MTech from Department of Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Kanpur