Dr. Sebastien Foucaud

Current Position

Executive Technologist, Palo Alto Strategy Group

Cofounder and MD, SBSF Agritech

Plaksha TLF Capstone Project Coordinator and Visiting Faculty


PhD Astronomy and Astrophysics, Aix-Marseille University


Driving Innovation with Data​:

Sebastien is working on a whole new way where the term Data Science is not just used to add gloss to a Company's vision and/or strategy, but actually offers meaningful business insights for evidence based decision making and actions!

From Finance to E-commerce, from Risk management to Marketing, he has applied his deep knowledge of statistics and artificial intelligence combined with Big-Data technology and advocated its potential for changing the way business is conducted, with state-of-the-art technology and algorithms revolutionizing existing concepts and models in practically every area.

In his past avatar he was an astronomer, focusing on understanding the formation of galaxies and tracking their evolution over the course of time. Through his career in academia he has developed tools for analysis of several billions of objects and Petabytes of heterogeneous data, tackling the "Big"​ in "Big-Data", and built data centers, contributing to the Virtual-Observatory efforts worldwide. He has published over 120 articles in high impact-factor peer-reviewed journals (till date >10,000 citations; h-index=50).